Are Online Leadership Training Programs Worth It?

Are online leadership training programs worth it?

You have probably seen the number of online courses and programs that are out there right now.

Obviously there must be something to that, right?

But what about leadership courses and programs???

Is buying an online leadership course worth it?

I mean, can they actually help teach you how to lead, via a pre-recorded video?

Well yes... AND no.

I personally invested in a ton of leadership developing training while working on the LAPD, as well as outside my career when it comes to leading in business and leading myself.

I got A LOT from some of the good ones, and wasted a whole ton of time in the crappy ones...

Even though I guess I learned what NOT to do with those.

So the answer is...

Yes if you make SURE that it has the 3 things BEFORE you sign up.

In this video, I'll break down those 3 things so you can make sure you aren't wasting your money, so you know whether this is the right decision for you.

(The link I talk about in this video for the 4-part free leadership influence blueprint is up at )


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