Jan. 23, 2017

FRF 074 : Healthy Eating On A Budget

Healthy eating doesn't have to cost an arm and a leg, just an arm

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Modern Leadership Coaching

Check out some of the ideas I give you for some inexpensive breakfast, lunch and dinner during the podcast.

Quick recap


Overnight Oats

Scrambled eggs with spinach and sweet potato fries


Mixed salad with protein


Beans/rice, avocado and tortillas

Mixed veggies with toasted sesame oil


Frozen bananas, 2 tbsp almond milk and chocolate chips


Shakeology, your own fruit and nut mix, celery/apple and peanut butter

Hope that helps.

If it does and you'd like more help, I hope you're already inside our 14 day first responder fitness academy.  If not, sign up at marchildebrand.com/academy and I'll see you inside the secret group.